Vaginitis refers to inflammation of the vagina, a common condition that is usually treatable with the appropriate care.
Common Symptoms of Vaginal Infections (Vaginitis):
- Unusual vaginal discharge (excessive or abnormal color)
- Unpleasant odor
- Itching or irritation
- Discomfort or pain during sexual intercourse
- Painful urination
- Lower abdominal or pelvic pain
- Swelling of the genital area
- Vaginal dryness or irritation around the vaginal area
- Light bleeding or spotting
Risk Factors for Vaginitis
Several factors can increase the likelihood of developing vaginitis, including:
- Poor intimate hygiene
- Use of deodorant sprays or perfumed products in the intimate area
- Unprotected sexual intercourse
- Pregnancy
- Menopause
- Wearing synthetic underwear or tight clothing
- Prolonged use of broad-spectrum antibiotics
- Oral contraceptives
- Long-term corticosteroid use
- Immune system disorders or diabetes
Diagnosis: Vaginal & Cervical Culture
A vaginal and cervical fluid culture is a simple, painless gynecological test used to detect microorganisms causing infections in the vagina or cervix.
The procedure takes just a few minutes and is performed in the clinic.
Treatment & Symptom Relief
During treatment, the following recommendations can help relieve symptoms:
- Wear breathable, cotton underwear– Avoid tight-fitting garments.
- Use sanitary pads instead of tampons or menstrual cupsduring infections.
- Use condoms with lubricantsduring sexual intercourse.
- Wash with lukewarm water and mild, fragrance-free soap, ensuring gentle dryingof the area.
At Thely Clinic, we provide expert diagnosis and treatment for vaginitis, ensuring proper care and prevention strategies for maintaining optimal vaginal health.